Seasoned Voyagers Team Lead

Title: Seasoned Voyagers Team Lead

Purpose:  To lead (or co-lead) a Seasoned Voyagers Core Team which will plan activities and events for our Seniors (55+) Ministry.  

Responsible to: Director of Servant Ministry and Lead Minister of Community Life

Description of Duties: organize and lead monthly meetings for Seasoned Voyagers Core Team; coordinate monthly outings or find other members to take responsibility for a given month; work with The Director of Servant Ministry to provide input on quarterly brochures, and monthly publicity as needed.  Turn in collected money to Director of Finance on a weekly basis.  Reach out to members who are not participating to encourage involvement.
Time Requirements:  2-4 hours per month plus the time for the monthly outing/activity

Term: Minimum of 2 years

Training: “on the job” or from previous Team Leader

Resources: Leadership Handbook, The Chronicle, Sunday Bulletin and web site

Skills and gifts: Ability to talk with people. Comfort with running the monthly meeting and keeping it on task. 

Spiritual Gifts: Leadership, Administration and Hospitality.

Benefits to one serving in this role: Opportunity to meet new people and serve at the same time.  Spend time with others in the same stage of life doing fun activities that you may not do on your own.

Completed by/date: Renae Parra 10/2017